Undo Performance Benchmarks

The table below shows benchmarks of Undo’s recording technology on several common applications, showing:

  • Runtime (native) – the original workload, running without recording
  • Runtime (record) – the same workload, recorded by Undo

Once a deterministic recording has been captured by Undo, a bug can be efficiently time travel debugged to resolve critical issues with orders of magnitude less engineering time.

Runtime (native)
Runtime (record)
Overall slowdown
Per-thread slowdown
Mixed syscall workload

sqlite – 100,000 insertions

3.8s 11.1s 2.9x 2.9x
Compute-intensive workload

gzip – 128MB input file

4.8s 7.3s 1.5x 1.5x
Compute-intensive workload

ffmpeg – VP9 to H264 transcode

1.8s 9.8s 5.6x 1.4x

In these results, the per-thread slowdown is kept low (at 1.4 – 2.9x) by Undo’s dynamic just-in-time instrumentation, which captures only the minimum data required to replay the process.

Multithreaded workloads may see an additional overall slowdown since Undo serializes their execution (using pre-emptive scheduling, so that race conditions are still reproduced). Compute-intensive applications like ffmpeg (shown above) show the most overhead due to this serialization.  Common uses of threads for IO concurrency show less impact.


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